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Back Arthritis Pain Treatment

Back Arthritis Pain Treatment Specialist in Houston, TX

Back arthritis is an inflammation of the joints that make up your spine. It can be caused by regular use as well as other health issues. The signs and symptoms include back and neck pain, stiffness, and restricted movement, which can develop into compressing nerves. At InovoSpine, our board-certified interventional pain management specialist, Dr. Pawan Grover, MDPA, can help you get relief from immense pain from back arthritis. For more information, contact us or book an online appointment. We are conveniently located at 1140 Business Center Dr, Suite 110, Houston TX 77043.

Back Arthritis Pain Treatment Specialist Near Me in Houston TX
Back Arthritis Pain Treatment Specialist Near Me in Houston TX

Table of Contents:

What does arthritis in your back feel like?
Does back arthritis hurt all the time?
What can be done for arthritis in the back?
What flares up arthritis in the back?

The most common type of arthritis in the back is osteoarthritis of the spine, often affecting the lower back due to years of wear and tear that leads to degradation of cartilage between the joints. It is a progressive disease that is much more common in the aging population.

What does arthritis in your back feel like?

When suffering from arthritis in your back, several common symptoms are experienced beyond just pain extending from the lower back and neck. Arthritis leads to inflammation and swelling of the affected areas, which can cause stiffness and a loss of flexibility in the spine, also leading to tenderness within the affected vertebrae. Pain is also commonly described as extending from the head, ribs, hips, buttocks, and knees as the swelling and stiffness start to affect the entire spine. The stiffness and loss of flexibility in the spine can make it increasingly difficult to straighten the back or turn the neck. Many patients will also describe sensations of grinding when moving the spine. Ongoing pain along the spine and throughout the back due to arthritis will often lead to pain in the arms or legs, cause increased difficulty walking for long distances, and can even lead to chronic fatigue.

Does back arthritis hurt all the time?

The exact symptoms and frequency of symptoms that are experienced in those with arthritis in the back will vary quite a bit from patient to patient, with some patients not even really experiencing pain even though they have the condition. This means that some people may suffer from constant chronic back pain caused by arthritis, whereas others may only experience periods of pain during flare-ups. The amount of pain and frequency of pain that is being experienced will also vary depending on how much the person is moving their spine, as overuse or repetitive movements will often lead to significant flare-ups, causing substantial pain that can last for varying amounts of time depending on how much the degeneration of the affected cartilage and joints has developed.

What can be done for arthritis in the back?

Arthritis can affect each patient quite differently, which is why there are quite a few treatment options available that are frequently used to help manage symptoms, prevent pain from worsening, and slow down the progression of arthritis. These treatment options range quite a bit in how invasive they are, with most patients being recommended to start with as minimally invasive of treatments as possible before moving to more invasive options if the initial treatments prove to be insufficient. Less invasive treatments and techniques that are regularly recommended for arthritis in the back include:

– Lifestyle changes to reduce strain and stress on the spine (including posture changes or weight loss).
– Physical therapy and massage therapy to improve range of motion and muscle strength along the spine.-
– Over-the-counter or prescription medications including those that are for pain management and anti-inflammatory.
– Corticosteroids are available as pills or injections to reduce inflammation, swelling, and pain.

More invasive treatment options for arthritis in the back include surgical procedures to stabilize the spine by fusing several parts of the spine (a spinal fusion) and procedures that work to decompress the spine. The less invasive treatment options will always be preferable to more invasive options to reduce the risks of complications or side effects while still providing sufficient relief of symptoms for patients.

What flares up arthritis in the back?

The cause of flare-ups of arthritis in the back may look different for some patients, with the most common cause of a flare-up being engaging in an activity that irritates the affected joints and vertebrae. This can include overusing the back while working or doing chores around the house, or bending sideways or backward in a way that irritates the back. The pain may also worsen after holding one position for a long period, including sitting upright or standing, as both movement and inactivity can cause flare-ups. Other triggers for flare-ups include infections such as the flu or a cold, significant weight gain, cold weather, significant stress, and the development of growths known as bone spurs on the end of the affected bones.

There is no treatment for back arthritis, but there are several non-surgical methods that can help. For more information, contact us or book an online appointment. We are conveniently located at 1140 Business Center Dr, Suite 110, Houston TX 77043. We serve patients from Houston TX, Hedwig Village TX, Meadows Place TX, Missouri City TX, Hunters Creek Village TX, Spring Valley Village TX, and surrounding areas.